Railway Accounts Department Examinations

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

General knowledge - Science Instruments सामान्य ज्ञान - विज्ञान उपकरण


General knowledge - Science Instruments सामान्य ज्ञान - विज्ञान उपकरण


उपकरण / Instruments 

कार्य / Functions 


बैरोमीटर / Barometer 

वायुमंडलीय दाब की माप / Measurement of atmospheric pressure


स्टेथेस्कोप  / Stethoscope

हृदय और फेफड़े की गति सुनने | To listen to the heartbeat and lungs


कार्डियोग्राम  / Cardiogram 

हृदय की विद्युत गतिविधि की माप | Measurement of heart's electrical activity


हाइड्रोमीटर / Hydrometer 

द्रव का आपेक्षित घनत्व मापने के लिए | Measurement of relative density of liquids


मैनोमीटर / Manometer

द्रवों और गैसों के दबाव की माप | Measurement of pressure of liquids and gases


रेनगेज  / Rain gauge

वर्षा का मापक | Measurement of rainfall


रिक्टर स्केल / Richter scale

भूकम्प की तीव्रता की माप | Measurement of earthquake intensity


फैदोमीटर / Fathometer

समुद्र की गहराई का मापक | Measurement of sea depth


एनीमोमीटर / Anemometer

हवा की शक्ति तथा गति की माप | Measurement of wind force and speed


हाइग्रोमीटर / Hygrometer

वायुमंडल की आर्द्रता की माप | Measurement of atmospheric humidity


सिस्मोग्राफ / Seismograph

भूकम्प मापी यंत्र | Instrument for measuring earthquakes


सेक्सटेन्ट / Sextant

दो वस्तुओं के कोणीय दूरी की माप | Measurement of angular distance between two objects


Odometer / Odometer

पहियों द्वारा तय की गई दूरी | Measurement of distance traveled by a vehicle


क्रेस्कोग्राफ / Crescograph

पौधों की वृद्धि की माप | Measurement of plant growth


टेकोमीटर / Tachometer

वायुयान की गति मापने में | Measurement of aircraft speed


स्फिग्मोमैनोमीटर / Sphygmomanometer

रक्त दाब का मापक | Measurement of blood pressure

Thursday, August 22, 2024

CRS - Commission of Railway Safety


CRS - Commission of Railway Safety

By Nageswara Rao, 9492432160

  • Website: http://www.crs.gov.in/

  • Under the administrative control of the Ministry of Civil Aviation


  • The Rail Safety Authority as per “The Railways Act, 1989” 


  • HQRS  - New Delhi ( up to July 2024 - Hqrs is Lucknow)


  • Headed by CCRS - Chief Commissioner of Railway Safety   -  Secretary to Government of India Rank 


  • CCRS also acts as Principal Technical Advisor to the Central Government in all matters pertaining to railway safety. 


  • Deals with matters pertaining to the safety of rail travel and train operation and is charged with certain statutory functions as laid down in the Railways Act (1989), which are of an inspectorial, investigatory & advisory nature.

  • Jurisdiction over 17 Zonal Railways as well as Metro Train Systems in Delhi, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Bangalore, etc.  


  • CRS sanction is required for -   Execution of any work on open line which will affect running of trains carrying passengers & any temporary arrangement necessary for carrying it out except in an emergency. 


Functions of CRS

  1. Ensure any new Railway line to be opened for Passenger traffic should conform to the standards and specifications prescribed by the Ministry of Railways. 

  1.  Also, Newline is safe in all respects for carrying passenger traffic. 


  1. The above rule is applicable for other works such as Gauge conversion, Doubling / Trebling / Quadrupling of lines, and Electrification of existing lines.  


  1. Statutory inquiry into serious train accidents occurring on the  Indian Railways 


  1. Makes recommendations for improving safety on the Railways in India. 


Thursday, August 15, 2024

Traffic Accounts - Short Lead Traffic


Short Lead Traffic

  • Salient Features: 

  • Up to 100 KMs


  • Agreement Period: Maximum 10 Years

  • Applicable for all Traffic (except Coal & Coke, Iron Ore, Military Traffic, Rail Material Consignments and Container Traffic )

  • Permitted Distance slab and Freight Concession as follows,

Distance Slab

Freight Concession

0 -50 KM


51 - 75 KM


76 -90 KM


91- 100 KM


  • The applicable concession as mentioned above shall be given on Normal Tariff Rate (NTR).

  • This concession shall not be available with any other concession. (except 6% concession on freight applicable to traffic booked to and from the North East region).

  • CRIS has developed necessary modifications in FOIS.

  • The agreement shall have a clause of enhanced loading commitment supported with Bank Guarantee. Depending upon the commitment, the percentage concession may vary from the rates mentioned in above referred Rates Circular.

  • Zonal Railways must assess the concession vis-a-vis the additional traffic and revenue projections to determine the rate of concession. 

  • Zonal Railways shall evaluate the fulfillment of committed traffic and revenue projections annually, and realize the unmet revenue from customer or from Bank Guarantee at the end of year. 

  • Zonal Railway shall get the MIS report designed in TMS through FOIS/CRIS before effecting the agreements, so as to get data on traffic, revenue and concession given for assessment of performance