Railway Accounts Department Examinations

Showing posts with label Single Account Current. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Single Account Current. Show all posts

Friday, October 26, 2018

Single Account Current

Single Account Current

An Important question for Books & Budget optional  (3rd chapter Accounts Code )

ü  Simply a statement showing the receipts & disbursements of an Accounts Circle (Division/Workshop) for a given period i.e., month of a Financial year.

ü  Classified under the prescribed heads of Account.

ü  In other words, Account Current complies with the Government Accounts (Finance Accounts) as similar to Profit & Loss A/c and Balance Sheet have been comply with the Commercial Accounts (Capital and Revenue Accounts)

ü  Principle: In Account current, all the entries are shown net, i.e., after deduction of write back adjustments against each head of account.  On no account, should minus results be transferred as plus results of the opposite side of Account.

ü  Example: Minus Debit of erstwhile Demand No.03 (SMH 01) (due to rectification of wrong debit)   - should not be posted on Credit side of erstwhile Demand No.03 (SMH 01)

ü  Schedules are prepared separately for Revenue and Capital.

ü  Column "Account to Date"   - Should show the transactions from the beginning of the year. (That means All Revenue transactions (except Suspense Heads MAR & DP) are closed to NET REVENUE at the end of the year. So that there are no cumulative figures in respect of Revenue transactions.  They begin afresh from the first month i.e., April)

ü  Closing Balances of the month are shown to which the account relates.

ü  Example  of July 2018 Revenue Account Current

Head of Account
Opening Balance
As on 01.04.2018
Closing Balance
As on 31.07.2018

ü  Prepared - After the General Books for a month have been closed and the Ledger has been written up.
ü  Prepared from the Ledger balances.

ü  Due Date:  8th of the following month.  Example: July 2018 Account Current is submitted to Railway Board by 8th of August.  (previously it is the first week of September)  

ü  This advancement of submission date (nearly one month) is due to computerization and dispensing of Approximate Account Current.  Now preparation of Approximate Account Current is not required. It is the biggest reform in preparation of Account Current.  

ü  Consolidation:  Divisions/Workshops submit Account current (whether monthly or final) to the PFA office.  These should be consolidated into One Account Current for the entire Zonal Railway.  This is now achieved through IPAS which itself consolidates the units Account Currents into Zonal Account Current.

ü  Submission of Account Current to Railway Board by Zonal Railways is through electronic mode i.e., IPAS - Integrated Payroll Accounting System.

ü  Revenue Account current should be accompanied by the prescribed supporting schedules in support of the transactions shown against the various heads in the Account Current.

ü  Capital Account Current - When accounts of a new Construction are maintained by separate organisation,  Separate Account Current for Construction and for Open line should be prepared.  Otherwise  one Account current is sufficient for Open Line and Construction by PFA.

ü   Capital Account current should be accompanied by the prescribed supporting schedules in support of the transactions shown against the various heads in the Account Current

ü  Final Account Current or March Account Current: Both approximate and final accounts are prepared. The approximate account current of march is  called preliminary account current and actual account current is called supplementary account current and after each correction slip the supplementary account current is numbered as supplementary 1, supplementary 2 etc.