Railway Accounts Department Examinations

Showing posts with label RECEIPTS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label RECEIPTS. Show all posts

Monday, August 3, 2020

MERS - Miscellaneous E Receipt System

MERS - Miscellaneous E Receipts System

 ·         A portal developed by CRIS

 ·         Object:  To Receive Miscellaneous earnings / Revenue  received from the customers such as Way leave Charges, Lease charges from State Govts, PSUs etc   - Phase One 

 ·         Phase II – May be covered all types of miscellaneous earnings / Revenue.

 ·       Portal link

Click for Procedure order of MERS

 Operation of MERS - Railway’s role

 ·         Two levels registration.  One at Supervisory level and another at Officer level

 ·         Registration would be through TAMS team at CRIS

 ·         Change of existing password – every 30 days – Mandatory

 ·         Sanctioned proposal (say for Lease charges) for receiving money from a Railway Customer – Scanned copy of Sanctioned order and relevant details of customer  - Fill in the Portal by  Railway Supervisor

 ·         The concerned Railway Officer should approve the above details filled by the Supervisor.

 ·         On according of approval, MERS would send a text message along with OTP to the mobile number and email of relevant Railway Customer.

 Operation of MERS  - Customer’s role

 ·         On receiving text message and OTP, the Railway customer would choose a User ID and Pass word and register his details in MERS portal.

 ·         Railway Customers makes payment in two types.  1.  Offline mode  2.  Online mode

 ·         Offline mode:  Customer should fill the details of Demand Draft in the portal and submit the same physically to the Railways

 ·         Online mode:   Customer should click the “Pay Now” option in the portal and pays through a challan at SBI or through net banking.

 Accountal in Accounts Office

 Offline mode:

 ·          Reconciliation shall be same as the current practice as per codal provisions.

 ·         However, the DMS scrolls received by Zonal Railways would mention the unique transaction ID generated on the MERS portal for the transaction.

 ·         The user dept – ensure that the Money receipt and TR notes generated at Cash office or stations while receiving the Demand Draft must mention the Unique transaction ID.

 Online mode:

 ·         MERS portal would receive the DMS scrolls from SBI and reconcile through system to provide the MIS reports to the Traffic Accounts Office and Hqrs Books Section.

 ·         Since money for an entire Zonal Railway would be received in the concerned PFA’s deposit account, credit for relevant Divisions shall be forwarded by the Hqrs Books Section may be through E-Recon. 

 Material for McQ on MERS

1.       Developed by CRIS

2.       Used for Miscellaneous earnings / Revenue

3.       Not for Passenger earnings/Revenue and for Freight earnings/Revenue

4.       E challan at SBI only

5.       Miscellaneous receipts under MERS for entire Zonal Railways – Received in PFA’s Deposit account at first instance.  Later, the same is transferred to Divisions by Hqrs Books Section.

6.       Payments can be made by Customers through offline or online mode.

7.       Registration at two levels in Railways - one at Supervisory level and another is Officer level.

8.       Link accessed through TAMS of AIMS portal

9.       CRIS stands for Centre for Railway Information Systems

10.   MERS stands for Miscellaneous E Receipts System

11.   TAMS stands for Traffic Accounts Management System

12.   AIMS stands for Accounting Information Management System
