PERT Stands for Program Evaluation Review Technique
Meaning: Concise visualization of all the individual tasks ( or operations) to complete a given Project.
Individual tasks divided into i) Events ii) Activities
All are placed in Sequential Order
Various time estimates are prepared for each activity.
The Sequence in which the activities are scheduled to be performed to create “PATHS” from the beginning to end of the Project.
The time required by the “PATHS” is determined by totaling the time for each activity along the path.
Total 3 Estimation Techniques
Most Likely (TM) - Probable duration
Optimistic (TO) – Shortest duration
Pessimistic (TP) – Longest duration
PERT formulae = TO + (4 x TM) + TP / 6
Example: TM – 15 days, TO – 10 days & TP – 25 days
PERT = {10 + ( 4 x 15) + 25} = 10 + 60 + 25 = 95 / 6 = 16 days
Critical Path Method (CPM) : Longest time path through the network will control the schedule for the entire project.
PERT & CPM – Both used to scheduling the Organization and coordinating the Project.
Differences between