Railway Accounts Department Examinations

Showing posts with label Traffic Accounts Management System. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Traffic Accounts Management System. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

TAMS - Traffic Accounts Management System



By K K Subramani, AFA/Trg/IRIFM


Introduction:   Traffic Accounts Management System. TAMS was sanctioned in F.Y. 2016-2017. A MoU was signed with Northern Railway in March 2017. Central Railway (CR) and Northern Railway (NR) is nominated as nodal Railway for this project. The Functional requirement for User is coordinated by Central Railway


It uses the Mapping of best practices on computerization processes available in TA office. It Identified and bridges the Gap. It aims at Design, Development and Implementation of Traffic Account application


Objectives of TAMS:


1.    Integration of all Accounting Returns of IR: Passenger, Goods, Other Coaching and Sundries

2.    Collected Earnings and cash book to be reconciled.

3.    Originating Earnings:  ST 18 Transaction number + transaction value for statistical statements

4.    Apportioned Earnings:  6A for Passenger and 7C for Goods.

5.    Computerized Balance Sheets in TA office its integration.

6.    Generation of Traffic Book: Part A, B, C and D

7.    Balance-sheet to be linked with cash office module of IPAS

8.    Finally, Generation of Earnings Account.


What TAMS does: TAMS utilises the features available in FOIS, PRS/UTS/PMS, with necessary fine tuning, minor modifications to suit the requirement.


All modifications in the data shall be routed through Error sheet module only for accountal and traceability.


The entries will appear in Balance Sheet only after due reconciliation in the system, thereby internal check is ensured.


Balance Sheet will be the final outcome of the station transactions with all activities and without any manual adjustments in the Balance Sheet.




1.    Manual Submission of Balance Sheet will be dispensed. 

2.    Availability of Zone wise inward and outward data

3.    Availability of Station outstanding data directly to Divisions and Hqrs.

4.    Instant Accountal of Debits and settlement of debits online.

5.    Eliminates lot of correspondence.

6.    Apportioned revenue data available on line to Commercial Dept.

7.    Dispensing the preparation of manual CR/ TR notes and online reconciliation

8.    Facilitate acknowledgement of Cash through IPAS module.

9.    Division wise earnings – category wise are available through Traffic Book Part A.

