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Showing posts with label IROAF. Show all posts
Showing posts with label IROAF. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

IROAF - Indian Railways Organization for Alternate Fuels


ü  Stands for Indian Railways Organization for Alternate Fuels
ü  Hqrs: New Delhi
ü  Headed by CAO – Chief Administrative Officer (HAG Officer)
ü  Vision: To emerge as a world class organisation in setting standards, development, research and execution in fuel and energy efficient and eco-friendly technologies, primarily for assimilation in IR. 
ü  Main Object: Search for viable alternatives to Fossil fuels.
ü  Indian Railways, being the largest single entity, which buys and uses energy in various forms, has the potential to become a leader in promoting the green economy and stimulate growth in the alternate energy industry.
ü  Nodal agency in India – Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
ü   Apart from alternate fuels, it is being progressively realized that saving of petroleum fuels is “another source” of fuel.

  Missions of IROAF
1.       Bio Diesel
2.       CNG – Compressed Natural Gas
3.       LNG – Liquefied Natural Gas
4.       Fuel Cell - The first prototype small scale fuel cell is operational in an ALCo locomotive in the TKD diesel shed. It is a 2KW system which provides auxiliary power when the main engine of the locomotive is shut down. This is the first ever initiative in Indian Railways
5.       Solar energy
6.       Other emerging technologies
 Role of IROAF
ü  Emerge as a leader in introduction of Alternate Energy, Fuel efficient and emission control technologies. 
ü  Function as single window entity for knowledge and database on technologies, CDM – Clean Development Mechanism.
ü  Set and review of Missions (as stated above) and updated.
ü  Create a Knowledge centre.
ü  Tie up with leading institutions and coordinate with concerned Ministries, Depts., Research laboratories, Universities and International entities