Railway Accounts Department Examinations

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Showing posts with label NWR. Show all posts

Thursday, December 2, 2021




Accounts Department

Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE) for selection to the post of Assistant

Financial Advisor (Group ‘B’ Service-30% quota)







Date: 20/11/2021


Time Allowed: 3 HoursMaximum Marks: 150

This paper contains three sections viz. A, B & C.  All sections have to be answered. Each section carries equal marks.


[Note: (1) Do not write your Roll No./Name anywhere in the answer book. Write your Name, Designation, and Roll No only in the assigned space in the file leaf only. If the candidate writes Name / Designation/ Roll No, or any symbol / indication in the answer book, the candidature shall be disqualified. (2) Answer to Q.3 has to be given in English only and answers to other questions have to be written in either in English or Hindi. (3) In case of any discrepancy between the English and Hindi versions of this question paper, English version will be treated as final.]


Section-A: General Knowledge, English and Official Language Policy                                     [50 marks]


Section-B: General Principles of Government Accounting and Auditing with special reference

To the Railways   [50 marks]


Section-C: Books and Budgeting including Traffic Book   [50 marks]





General Knowledge, English and Official Language Policy



Q.1             Write the full form of the following abbreviations:                                                                                               (5 marks)

                     (i) UNICEF        (ii) UPSC           (iii) GDP            (iv)  PFRDA         (v)  UIDAI


Q.2             Write short notes on any two of the following:     

                                                                                               (10 marks)

i. Election Commission

ii. President Rule

iii. NITI Aayog


Q.3 (A)       Write an essay (about 300 words) on any one of the following:                                                                         (20 marks)


                    1. Freedom struggle of India

                    2. Unity in diversity

                    3. Honesty is the best policy


(B)     Write the antonyms of the following:                                                                                                                        (5 marks)            

                  1. Ancient      2.  Abundant     3. Conceal       4. Ugly         5. Frequent


Q.4          What is the Official language policy of the Union of India? Give salient features of the

                  Official Languages Act 1963.                                                                                                                                         (10 marks)






General Principles of Government Accounting and Auditing with special reference to the Railways



Attempt any two of the following; each question carries 25 marks:


                  Q.5   a. What do you mean by ‘statutory audit’                                                                                                                         (7 marks)

                           b. Write short notes on the following:                                                                                                                               (18 marks)

                                (1) Draft Para

                                (2) Special Letter

                                (3) Public Accounts Committee (PAC)


                  Q.6   Distinguish between the following:                                                                                                                                        (25 marks)

                           1. Originating earning and apportioned earning.

                           2. Write-back and write-off

                           3. Consolidated fund and contingent fund

                           4. Demands payable and Demands recoverable

                           5. Block Account and Loan Account


                  Q.7   Give a detail of the system of maintenance and compilation of Railway Accounts.                                                       (25 marks)







Books and Budgeting including Traffic Book


     Attempt any two of the following; each question carries 25 marks:


       Q.8     What is Traffic Book? How is it posted and what purpose does it serve?                                                                         (25 marks)



       Q.9     (A)  What is the purpose of Operating Suspense Account?                                                                                                  (7 marks)


                   (B) Briefly discuss the operation and accounting of the following Suspense heads.


(a)    Cheques & Bills, (b) Remittance into bank,(c) Purchase Suspense                                                                       (18 marks)


      Q.10   Write short notes on the following:   (25 marks)   


i.   Outcome budget

                  ii.  Performance budget

 iii. Zero based budgeting

                  iv. Accrual accounting

                  v.  Transfer transaction



                                                                                                    NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY

                                                                                                         Accounts Department

                                                  Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE) for selection to the post of Assistant

                                                                                         Financial Advisor (Group ‘B’ Service-30% quota)      







Date: 21/11/2021


Time Allowed: 3 HoursMaximum Marks: 150

This paper contains three sections viz. A, B & C.  All sections have to be answered. Each section carries equal marks.


[Note: (1) Do not write your Roll No./Name anywhere in the answer book. Write your Name, Designation, and Roll No only in the assigned space in the file leaf only. If the candidate writes Name / Designation/ Roll No, or any symbol / indication in the answer book, the candidature shall be disqualified. (2) Answer to all questions have to be written in either in English or Hindi. (3) In case of any discrepancy between the English and Hindi versions of this question paper, English version will be treated as final.]


Section-A: Financial Justification for Expenditure and Traffic Costing                                                    [50 marks]


Section-B: Management Accounting                                                                                                            [50 marks]


Section-C: Traffic Accounting and Statistics & Establishment   [50 marks]


                    General Expenditure Accounts and Workshop & Stores Accounts





Financial Justification for Expenditure and Traffic Costing


Answer any two questions: (each question carries 25 marks)


Q.1     What are the points to be kept in mind while examining the following in finance:


a.       Land licensing proposal, b. Station to Station Rates, c. Detailed Estimate,

d.    Crossing Station, e.  Variation Statement                                                                                                                 (25 marks)


Q.2      Describe the methodology adopted by the Indian Railways to work out the costing for Freight

             And Coaching Services                                                                                                                                                                          (25 marks)


Q.3      Name and describe the various sources/ funds available for financing Railway Projects                                                          (25 marks)






Management Accounting



Attempt any two questions: (each question carries 25 marks)


Q.4       Write short notes on the following:                                                                                                  (25 marks)

              (a) Debt Equity Ratio, (b) Marginal Costing, (c) Opportunity Cost,

              (d) Liquidity Ratio, (e) Working Capital


Q.5     a) Bring out the difference among partnership firm, joint venture firm and consortium of firms.                                              (15 marks)


           b) Describe DCF method of project appraisal.                                                                                                                                        (10 marks)


Q.6     What is the difference between Internal Check and Internal Audit? Give a brief description of scope and

            Objective of Internal Audit.                                                                                                                                                                       (25 marks)








 Traffic Accounting and Statistics & Establishment



Attempt any two questions: (each question carries 25 marks)


Q.7      Write short notes on the following:


(a)   Accounts Office Balance Sheet, (b) Traffic Suspense, (c) Cash Remittance Note,                                 

             (d) Cash in Transit, (e) Error Sheet                                                                                                                                           (25 marks)


Q.8      Write short notes on the following:


(a)   Permanent Negotiating Machinery, (b) Child Care Leave, (c) National Holiday Allowance,

(d) Night Duty Allowance, (e) Leave Encashment                                                                                                                 (25 marks)


Q.9      Write short notes on the following:


(a)   GTKM and NTKM, (b) Statement no.6A, (c) Statement no.7A,

(d)  Statement no.7C, (e) Route Kilometer and Track Kilometer                                                                                         (25 marks)







                                                  General Expenditure Accounts and Workshop & Stores Accounts



Attempt any two questions: (each question carries 25 marks)


Q.10     Write short notes on the following:


(a)   Excess over estimates, (b) Completion Report, (c) Final Location survey,

(d)  Vitiation of Contract, (e) Price Variation Clause                                                                                                             (25 marks)


Q.11       What is inventory management? Why it is necessary and how it is being managed on Indian

                Railways?                                                                                                                                                                                     (25 marks)


Q.12       Why it is necessary to operate a suspense account to book the expenditure in a Workshop?

                Describe briefly how such a suspense account is operated.                                                                                              (25 marks)



