Railway Accounts Department Examinations

Showing posts with label Personnel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Personnel. Show all posts

Friday, May 31, 2024

DCRG - Death Cum Retirement Gratuity

 DCRG - Death Cum Retirement Gratuity

> With effect from 1st January 2024 .

> Maximum DCRG - Death cum Retirement Gratuity - Rs. 25 Lakhs (from Rs. 20 Lakhs)

(Due to increasing of DA - Dearness Allowance from 46% to 50%)

Monday, December 11, 2023

APA - Additional Post Allowance


APA - Additional Post Allowance 

  • Source: Para 645 to 650 of IREM Volume I, RBA 128 of 2018 & RBE 08 of 2023

  • APA stands for Additional Post Allowance 

  • New allowance APA Introduced in place of abolished DCA - Dual Charge Allowance  - Based on recommendation of Committee on Allowances of 7th Pay Commission 

  • Detailed guidelines for grant of APA in consultation with the Nodal dept of DOP&T - Department Of Personnel & Training. 

  • With effect from 01.07.2017

  • APA in Higher Post: Difference of existing Basic Pay and and Basic Pay in Higher Post or 10% of his present Basic pay per month whichever is more.  But subject to the sum total of present Basic Pay  and APA does not exceed the Apex Pay i.e., Rs.2,25,000 /-

Practical Example: 

Example: Basic Pay in Present Post - Rs.1,00,000/-  Basic Pay in Higher Post - Rs. 1,20,000 /-.  Calculation of APA is as follows: 

  • Difference of Present Pay and Higher Pay  - Rs.1,20,000 minus Rs.1,00,000 = Rs.20,000

  • 10% of Present Pay   -   10/100 x Rs.1,00,000 = Rs.10,000 

  • Hence APA is Rs.20,000 (which is more beneficial to the Officer than Rs.10,000)

  • However it is to ensure that the Present Basic Pay Rs.1,00,000 plus APA Rs.20,000 = Rs.1,20,000 does not exceed the Apex Pay i.e., Rs.2,25,000.  If it is exceeds, the APA is limited to the total of above calculation i.e., Rs.2,25,000


  • Similar Post: If the Additional Post is at a similar level as his own post, the APA is 10% of the Present Basic Pay subject to the sum total of Basic Pay plus APA does not exceed the Apex Pay i.e.Rs.2,25,000 Per Month.   


  • Lower Post:  No APA


  • APA is admissible:   If the duration of the additional charge exceeds 45 days only 


  • NO APA: An employee appointed to hold the current charge or the routine duties of an additional post, irrespective of the duration of the current charge.  


  • Additional Post arrangement:  

  • Particular vacant post:  Not more than One year 

  • Particular Employee:  Not more than Six Months 

  • The gap between two successive appointments of a particular employee: Minimum of One year 

  • GM powers to grant APA 

  • Up to JAG - Maximum period of 6 months 

  • SAG          - Maximum period of 3 months 

  • For SAG posts - Beyond 3 months, a full justification for the arrangement and the recommendation of PFA should be submitted to the Railway Board for obtaining the sanction.   


  • If Additional charge of two posts with Hqrs at different stations - The officer may be allowed the TA/DA as may be separately admissible in addition to APA. However, the two posts are mutually independent and are meant for different purposes.  


  • The APA will count for the purpose of Pension and other Retirement benefits 

Key points for MCQ: 

  1. APA stands for Additional Post Allowance 

  2. DCA stands for Dual Charge Allowance 

  3. New allowance APA is introduced in place of the abolished DCA 

  4. Nodal Dept for Establishment matters - DOPT 

  5. DOPT stands for Department Of Personnel & Training 

  6. With effect from 1st July 2017 

  7. APA = Difference between Present Basic Pay and Higher Basic Pay or 10% of Present Basic Pay whichever is more 

  8. APA plus Present Basic Pay - Does not exceed the Apex Pay i.e., Rs.2,25,000 

  9. Additional charge duration - At Least 45 days 

  10. No APA:  Holding an additional post in Lower Grade or holding current charge or the routine duties of an additional post. 

  11. Post - Not more than One year 

  12. Employee - Not more than Six months

  13. The gap between two successive appointments of a particular employee - Minimum One year 

  14. GM Powers - SAG Posts - up to 3 months and JAG posts - up to 6 months. 


Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Dearness Allowance & Dearness Relief - Difference between




  1. Dearness Allowance (DA) is granted to employees to meet the increased cost of living due to inflation.

  1. The rate of DA is decided based on the CPI-IW  Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers (All India)- prepared by the Labour Ministry 

  1. DA is calculated on the Basic pay of the employee.

  1. Every year DA rates will be revised TWO times i.e. on 1st January and 1st July.

  1. A fraction of 50 paise is ignored and more than 50 paise is rounded off to the next higher rupee.

  1. In the case of Running staff, DA is calculated on Basic Pay + 30% of Basic pay.

  1. In the case of Railway Doctors, DA is calculated on Basic Pay + 20% of Basic Pay.

  1. The present rate of DA is 46% with effect from 01.07.2023. 

DEARNESS RELIEF - Pensioners  

  1. Dearness Relief (DR) is paid on pension/Family pension.

  1. It is calculated on the Basic Pension of the employee.

  1. Every year DR rates will be revised TWO times i.e. on 1st January and 1st July.

  1. The present rate of DR is 46% with effect from 01.07.2023. 


  1. What DA is granted to the Government employees?

  2. The rate of DA is revised based on…………………………………………….

  3. How many times is DA revised annually? 

  4. In the case of Running staff, DA is calculated on Basic Pay + 30% of Basic pay.

  5. In the case of Railway Doctors, DA is calculated on Basic Pay + 20% of Basic Pay.

  6. What is the present DA/DR with effect from 01.07.2023?

  7. To whom Dearness Relief is paid?


  1. To meet the increased cost of living due to inflation.

  2. Consumer Price Index -Industrial Workers (All India) - prepared by the Labour Ministry

  3. Twice.  On 1st January & 1 st July

  4. 30%

  5. 20%

  6. 46%

  7. To the pensioners and family Pensioners 


Monday, November 20, 2023

MACP - Modified Assured Career Progression


MACP - Modified Assured Career Progression 

  • W.e.f  01.09.2008.

  • Old ACP - Assured Career Progression Scheme - 09.08.1999 to 31.08.2008.   

  • Assurance - Minimum 3 Financial upgradations in their service  

  • Intervals - 10 years, 20 years & 30 years of qualifying service. 

  • The upgradation is to the next Level in Pay-Matrix.

  • Financial upgradation is purely personal to the employee and not according to seniority. 

  • If the employee gets regular promotion as per seniority/merit such promotion will be counted against the three financial up-gradations.

  • If the employee is stagnated in any grade for 10 years, he will be given financial up-gradation in the next higher level.

  • Granting financial up-gradation is subject to eligibility.

  • Eligibility: Last 3 years APAR - Minimum grading is “Very Good” .

  • Free from DAR/Vigilance/Criminal cases and should not be undergoing any penalty.  

  • Can employees refuse to take the Regular Promotion?   

  • Before MACP  - Yes.  But they are not considered for financial upgradation for that grade.  

  • After MACP  - Yes.  

  • Pay fixation and option benefits are admissible as per the rules.

  • No change in the Designation. 

  • No change in the Present post. 

  • No change in the responsibilities. 

  • Service rules are applicable to the present post only for all benefits. 

  • In case the granting of financial upgradation under the MACP scheme is postponed for reasons attributable to the employee, future upgradations under this scheme will also get postponed.    

Key points for MCQ: 

  1. MACP - From 01.09.2008  

  2. MACP stands for Modified Assured Career Progression

  3. ACP - 09.08.1999 to 31.08.2008 

  4. Minimum 3 Financial Upgradations 

  5. Intervals - 10, 20 & 30 years 

  6. APARs considered - Last 3 years 

  7. Minimum grading - Very Good 

  8. No change in Present post, Designation or responsibilities. 


Sunday, November 19, 2023

AEMG - Alternative Employment on Medical Grounds


AEMG - Alternative Employment on Medical Grounds 

  • Every employee should always be medically fit for the post he/she is holding.

  • If any employee is found medically not fit to hold the present post, he/she should not be continued in that post and should be given an alternative suitable post.

  • As it takes some time to identify suitable alternative posts, such employees will be placed in supernumerary posts and will be paid a salary.

  • PWD Act: Medically de-categorized employees should be provided alternative appointments in suitable posts in the same grade without monetary loss duly considering the provisions of section 47 of PWD Act 1995.  (Persons with Disabilities Act)

  • First, the suitable post should be identified in his/her department.

  • If no suitable post is identified, then that employee can be considered for absorption in other departments.

  • They should not be absorbed in lower-grade posts even on their request.

  • If the employee wants to take voluntary retirement it can be accepted. 

  • Committee:  A committee of three officers (Sr.DPO, concerned Dept Officer, and Officer from any other Dept) as nominated by DRM in the division should conduct screening of medically de-categorized employees and suggest suitable alternative posts for them.

  • With the approval of DRM, the medically de-categorized employees will be absorbed in the recommended alternative post.

  • They can also ask for any suitable alternative post. Their request can be considered if vacancies are available in such posts.

  • Absorption in suitable posts should be done expeditiously to avoid wastage of manpower and unnecessary financial implications.

  • Typing Test: Medically de-categorized employees on absorption in the clerical cadre are exempted from passing the Typing test.

  • 30% of Basic Pay: Pay of Medically de-categorized Running staff on absorption in suitable alternative posts should be fixed by adding 30% of basic pay as an element of running allowance.

  • Personal Pay: If there is no Cell equal to that amount, pay should be fixed in the lower cell and the difference in amount should be shown separately as Personal Pay and it will be observed in future increments.

  • Security Dept: Medically de-categorized RPF (Railway Protection Force) / RPSF (Railway Protection Special Force) personnel shall be absorbed into the ministerial cadre of the Security Department. If it is not possible due to the non-availability of vacancies, they can be considered in any suitable post in other departments.

  • The service rendered in the previous post will always count for all purposes, including fixing seniority in the absorbed post.

  • Employees who get recommendations from medical authorities for transfer to other posts on medical grounds will not have the above benefits. Their cases are dealt with under Interdepartmental request transfer rules.
