· Click for REMCLCorporate Website
Stands for Railway
Energy Management Company Limited.
Established in
2013 year (under the Companies Act, 1956)
as a joint venture
(JV) company Indian Railways (49%) and RITES ltd ( 51 %)
Object : Tap the
business potential in the energy sector.
Renewable Power projects in Solar and Wind sectors
Hqrs - Gurgaon, (New Delhi)
2018-19 Financials
Profit - Rs. 49.46 Crores
Turnover - Rs. 83.03 Crores
Share Capital - Rs. 70 Crores
Power Projects: 1000 MW of solar roof top & ground mounted power plants to
harness the untapped potential of roof-top spaces on Railways buildings,
stations, hospitals etc. and vacant Railways land lying with different ZR.
BINA Plant - Record break - First of its kind project in
the World
· 1.7 MW Solar Plant - TSS - Traction Sub Station at Bina, Madhya Pradesh.
· A CSR project (Corporate Social Responsibility) of BHEL - Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited
· Connected directly to Overhead Traction system for running of Trains - First time in the World
technology for converting DC - Direct Current to single phase AC - Alternating
Current for feeding directly to Railway's Overhead traction system.
· It can produce approx. 25 lakh units of energy annually and savings to IR exchequer for Rs. 1.37 Crores every year.
Indian Railways & Solar
· Indian Railways - Going to transform itself as "Net Zero" Carbon Emission Mass Transportation Network - by 2030 year.
· Planning Solar projects on un utilized Railway land on mega scale.
· IR wants to become a Green mode of Transportation - by meeting its entire traction power requirements
· Here after RE Projects means, not only Railway Electrification Projects, but also Renewable Energy Projects.
· Land based Solar Power Plants - Planned by REMCL
1. 50 MW Solar power plant - Bhilai
2. 2 MW Solar power plant - Diwana (Haryana)
· 1 GW solar plants - Planning installation of solar projects along operational Railway Track to enable to injection of solar power into traction network directly - innovative concept.
· Already REMCL floated Tenders for 2 GW of Solar projects on unutilized Railway lands.