ERW - Environment
Related Works
Board's letter No.2016/EnHM/13/02 dated 13.05.2016
EnHM - Environment and Housekeeping Management
Directorate is new one in Indian Railways.
is the most energy efficient transport as compared to road and air modes.
Accordingly, strengthening and augmentation of rail network enables modal shift
of passenger and freight traffic to Railways which helps in reducing GHG (Green
House Gases) emissions. Apart from this, Indian Railways on their own also need
to take additional measures to protect and contain the impact on environment
due to their activities.
· Provision
for all environment related works should be thoroughly assessed and made in itemized
form in the Estimates for Works.
Where itemized provision is not
contemplated/could not be assessed at the stage of preparing estimate, a lurnpsum
provision equivalent to one percent of the cost
of work to facilitate execution of required environment impact
mitigation works as found necessary later, may be kept to address the
environmental concerns.
However, itemised provision and Lumpsum provision shall not co-exist in the estimate.
1 % Provision for ERW - Not
applicable for Plan Heads 17 - Computerization and 31- Track Renewal Works and
works chargeable to EBR (IF)
Implementation of
such works are monitored by EnHM wing on
Zonal Railway / Division(Environment and Housekeeping Management)
Such approved works within Zonal Railway shall
figure in separate Annexure under the heading "Environment Related Works
under lumpsump provision of identified estimate" and the works will
continue to figure in List Of Approved works (LAW) till 'its completion and closing
of accountal. 

Such works should
generally be completed within two years
of ERW - Environment Related Works
Water conservation works i.e., Rain water
harvesting, Water recycling plant etc
2. Sewage treatment plant
Effluent treatment plant
Solid waste management solutions e.g. waste to
compost, waste to energy plants etc
Solar energy plants including PV modules for
off-grid applications e.g. for hospitals,
stations, office buildings colonies, LC gates,
signaling equipments etc

Energy efficient lighting fixtures
Use of Green Building features in built up space
to be constructed/renovated etc.
Afforestation including development of green
Water efficient fixtures
Protection and/or improvement of water bodies in
railway land which helps in recharging the aquifer.
Measures for mitigation of Air & Water
pollution during construction & operation
Construction and Demolition waste recycling
Measures for natural air-conditioning of the'
building including geo-thermal cooling.
Environment related studies including water
audit and/or energy audit and works relating to implementation of
recommendations of such audits.
related monitoring devices and tools
Any other item required as per local Regulations
and Court order for upkeep of environment
Construction & up gradation of Toilets at
Railway Stations and in Coaches.