Railway Accounts Department Examinations

Showing posts with label AEMG. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AEMG. Show all posts

Sunday, November 19, 2023

AEMG - Alternative Employment on Medical Grounds


AEMG - Alternative Employment on Medical Grounds 

  • Every employee should always be medically fit for the post he/she is holding.

  • If any employee is found medically not fit to hold the present post, he/she should not be continued in that post and should be given an alternative suitable post.

  • As it takes some time to identify suitable alternative posts, such employees will be placed in supernumerary posts and will be paid a salary.

  • PWD Act: Medically de-categorized employees should be provided alternative appointments in suitable posts in the same grade without monetary loss duly considering the provisions of section 47 of PWD Act 1995.  (Persons with Disabilities Act)

  • First, the suitable post should be identified in his/her department.

  • If no suitable post is identified, then that employee can be considered for absorption in other departments.

  • They should not be absorbed in lower-grade posts even on their request.

  • If the employee wants to take voluntary retirement it can be accepted. 

  • Committee:  A committee of three officers (Sr.DPO, concerned Dept Officer, and Officer from any other Dept) as nominated by DRM in the division should conduct screening of medically de-categorized employees and suggest suitable alternative posts for them.

  • With the approval of DRM, the medically de-categorized employees will be absorbed in the recommended alternative post.

  • They can also ask for any suitable alternative post. Their request can be considered if vacancies are available in such posts.

  • Absorption in suitable posts should be done expeditiously to avoid wastage of manpower and unnecessary financial implications.

  • Typing Test: Medically de-categorized employees on absorption in the clerical cadre are exempted from passing the Typing test.

  • 30% of Basic Pay: Pay of Medically de-categorized Running staff on absorption in suitable alternative posts should be fixed by adding 30% of basic pay as an element of running allowance.

  • Personal Pay: If there is no Cell equal to that amount, pay should be fixed in the lower cell and the difference in amount should be shown separately as Personal Pay and it will be observed in future increments.

  • Security Dept: Medically de-categorized RPF (Railway Protection Force) / RPSF (Railway Protection Special Force) personnel shall be absorbed into the ministerial cadre of the Security Department. If it is not possible due to the non-availability of vacancies, they can be considered in any suitable post in other departments.

  • The service rendered in the previous post will always count for all purposes, including fixing seniority in the absorbed post.

  • Employees who get recommendations from medical authorities for transfer to other posts on medical grounds will not have the above benefits. Their cases are dealt with under Interdepartmental request transfer rules.
