Railway Accounts Department Examinations

Showing posts with label tenders. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tenders. Show all posts

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Works Tenders - Types of


Tenders in Works  – Types

  1. Open Tenders or Advertised tenders.

  2. Limited

  3. Special Limited tenders.

  4. Single Tender.

  1. Open/Advertised tenders:

ü  Open tendering system is the widely used one as it ensures fair competition by which reasonable rates can be obtained.  The system of invitation to tender by public advertisement in the most open and transparent  manner possible should be used as a general rule and must be adopted.  Powers to invite Open tenders Vide item No.6 of part-A of MSOP.

ü    Powers have been delegated to officers at different levels to call open tenders. 

ü  Generally before calling tenders, vetted sanctioned estimate for the work proposed to be tendered for, should be available and also other requirements such as funds availability, approved drawings, site availability, materials to be issued by Deptt etc., .   In the absence of sanction of detailed estimate, pre-vetting of tender schedule is to be taken.

  1. Limited tenders: 

ü  Where for reasons which should be in the public interest, it is considered not practical or advantageous to call for open tenders, Limited tenders may be invited with the concurrence of FA&CAO and approval of competent authority

ü   Limited tenders are to be invited from contractors borne on approved list. 

ü  In S.C.Rly, PHOD/CHOD is having powers to call Limited tenders up to Rs.5 crores in each case, HOD/DRM/ADRM/CSM is having powers up to Rs.1 crore. JAG officers have powers to call LT up to Rs.25 lakhs.  At least 10 names should be on the approved list of contractors.

  1. Special Limited tenders:


ü  This type of tendering system is adopted for works of specialized nature, works of urgent nature and consultancy works.  Finance concurrence is necessary. 

ü Special LT will be invited from the specialized and reputed contractors/organizations/agencies.

ü   Tenders from whom Special LT are to be invited should preferably be more than six but not less than four. 

ü  Tenderers need not be borne on the approved list.

  1. Single tender: 

ü  Single tender is invited in case of emergencies, accidents, breaches involving dislocation to traffic. 

ü  The powers to be exercised in times of cyclone, floods, accidents, sabotage, enemy action, explosions, cases of extreme urgency such as works or supplies necessary to safeguard life or property or repair damage to track caused by flood breaches,  washaways, accidents or other unforeseen contingency so as to maintain through communication.

ü   For restoration of traffic within shortest possible time, single tender is invited from the experienced and reputed contractor who has the previous experience of having executed such emergency works. 

ü   CAO/Con is having full powers to call single tender in case of works of specialized nature only.

ü   Finance concurrence is necessary. Estimate provision should be available to meet the expenditure incurred through quotation route. 

ü  To dispense with calling of tenders for works which are urgent in nature and to accept offers received in response to quotations. Finance concurrence is necessary. Powers have been delegated in Item No.5 – F of part – A of MSOP- works matters. 

ü  The powers shall be exercised by the officers with their administrative approval.  The powers should be exercised sparingly. The circumstances under which quotations have to be called should be spelt out. Quotations should not be for items which can be executed through the existing contracts including zonal contracts. Quotations should not be for fancy items. After finalization of the quotations, work order will be placed on the selected bidder. 


Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Checklist - Before calling Works Tenders


Checklist - Before calling Works Tenders  

Tenders are not to be called without satisfying the following checklist 

  • Drawings - Approval of Detailed Drawings   


  • Estimates - Sanction of Detailed Estimates  

  • Tender Schedule - Prepared  


  • Funds - Availability  


  •  Project / Work Site - Availability (without any encumbrance) 


  • Materials - Availability 


Saturday, May 27, 2023

Eligibility Criteria in works Tenders - Financial, Technical and Bid Capacity

Eligibility Criteria in Works Tenders 

Source: Para 10 of Part I of GCC of Works, 2022 April


Three types

1. Technical Eligibility Criteria    2. Financial Eligibility Criteria  3.  Bid Capacity 

  • Difference between the Technical Eligibility Criteria and Financial Eligibility Criteria is, the former considers Similar works, whereas the latter considers all works (incl: similar works)

  • Bid capacity shows the Contractor's financial resources/capability of executing the big projects i.e., valued Rs. 20 Crores and above if awarded.

Technical Eligibility Criteria 

  • The Tenderer must have successfully completed or substantially completed similar works as prescribed below in the last 7 years, ending the last day of the month previous to the one in which the Tender is invited. 


  • What is substantially completed? 

Answer: Ongoing work in which payment is equal to or more than 90% of the present contract value has been made to the Contractor in ongoing contract subject to:   

  1. Excluding the payment made for adjustment of PVC,if any, 

  2. No proceedings of termination of the contract on Contractor’s default have been initiated  

  3. The credentials have been issued not prior to 60 days of date of invitation of the Present Tender. 


  • That means the Tender is invited on 6th February 2019,  The last day of the previous month is January 31st, 2019.  So Seven years reckoned is from 01.02.2012 to 31.01.2019

  • Various parameters for completing similar works in the last 7 years as below.

No of similar works 


Percentage of the Advertised value of Tender


30 % and above


40% and above


60 % and above


  • If the advertised value of the Tender is Rs. 20 Crores,  the tenderer is qualified in Technical eligibility criteria, if he executed in the last seven years is

1.       One work of Rs. 7 Crores, Second work of Rs. 7.5 Crores and the Third work is Rs. 8 Crores  (30 % of advertised work of Rs. 20 Crore is Rs.6.6 Crores)  


2.       One work of Rs. 8.5 Crores and Second work of Rs. 10 Crores   (40% of advertised Work of Rs.20 Crores is  Rs. 8 Crores) 


3.       One work of Rs. 12 Crores above (60% of advertised work of Rs. 20 Crores is Rs. 12 Crores)

  • The above percentages are applicable to component-wise in Composite works involving more than one department, i.e., Civil work, Electrical work, S&T work, etc.

  • Up to Rs. 50 Lakhs work - Technical & Financial Eligibility Criteria is not required.     


  • Composite Works : Involving more than one distinct component (example: Civil, S&T, Electrical, etc) - separate completed works of minimum required values shall also be considered to fulfill technical eligibility criteria for different components.  


  • What constitutes a separate component in a composite work shall be clearly pre-defined with the estimated tender cost of it, as part of the tender documents without any ambiguity.  


  • Sub letting - Technical Eligibility:  

  • The sub contractor shall have successfully completed at least one work similar to work proposed for sub contract, costing not less 35 % value of work to be sublet, in the last 5 years, ending last day of month previous to the one in which tender is invited through a Work Contract.   

  • For subletting of work costing up to Rs. 50 Lakh, no previous work experience of sub contractor shall be asked for by the Railway.  

Work Experience Certificate 

  • Not considered - By Private individual  

  • Considered - By Public Listed Company, subject to :  

  1. having average annual turnover of Rs. 500 Crores and above in the last 3 financial years excluding current financial year

  2. listed on NSE/BSE, incorporated or registered at least 5 years prior to the date of closing tender,  

  3. Issue of such certificate by the Authorised person (behalf of Company) 

  4. Submission of a relevant copy of Work order, bill of quantities, bill wise details of payment duly certified by CA, TDS certificates for all payments received and copy of final/last bill paid by the company  - By the Contractor in support of his claim. 


Financial Eligibility Criteria: 

  • The Tenderer must have “Minimum Average Annual Contractual Turn over of   V / N or V whichever is less  ( ACS - Advanced Correction Slip 1 of 14.07.2022) 


  • V stands for Advertised Value of the Tender in Crores of Rupees. 

  • N stands for the Number of years prescribed for the completion of work for which bids have been invited.  


  • Calculated as an Average of “Total Contractual payments in the previous 3 Financial Years, as per the audited Balance Sheets.  If the Balance sheet of the previous year is yet to be prepared/audited, the audited balance sheet of the Fourth previous year shall be considered. 

  • Example: Advertised Tender value is  Rs. 20 Crores.  The Tender Opening date is 01.09.2018.  The number of years to complete the work in that Tender is 4 years. The Financial Eligibility is calculated as below:  

  • 2015-16  - Annual contractual turnover  - 5 Crores 

  • 2016-17  - Annual contractual turnover  - 8 Crores 

  • 2017-18  - Annual contractual turnover  - 5 Crores 


Total 18 Crores


Average of 3 previous years    - 18/3  =  6 Crores 

Average Annual Contractual turnover of V/N or V whichever is less 

V/N = 20 Crores / 4 = Rs. 5 Crores or V i.e., 20 Crores whichever is less.

Hence Rs. 5 Crores should be the minimum 

Hence in the above example, the contractor has fulfilled the Financial Eligibility criteria. 

  • The Tenderer should submit the copies of Audited Balance sheets duly certified by CA (Chartered Accountant) or a certificate from CA duly supported by the Audited Balance Sheets. 

  • Up to Rs. 50 Lakhs work - Technical & Financial Eligibility Criteria is not required.


  • Required for works costing Rs. 20 Crores and above only

  • Available Bid Capacity should be equal or more than the Advertised value of Tender

  • Available Bid Capacity formula  =  (AxNx2) minus 0.33 x N x B

  • A = Payment received in any one Financial Year  - Maximum value of works completed as well as Works in Progress executed and payment received during the last 3 Financial Years or current year (up to date of opening the Tender ).

  • N = Number of Years prescribed for completion of work for which Bids / Tenders have been received.

  • B = Existing commitments & balance amount of ongoing works  & works awarded, but yet to start with the Tenderer to be completed in next "N" years.  

Example : 

  1. Date of opening of Tender: 15th Feb, 2019

  2. Advertised value of Tender : Rs. 100 Crores

  3. N = 3 years

  4. Maximum value of completed works and Works in progress of Contractor ' Ramesh' is as follows. 


Completed works (Rs)

Works in progress (Rs)

2018-19 (up to 15.02.2019)

15 Crores

5 Crores


10 Crores



25 Crores



5 Crores


  • Therefore,  ”A” of Contractor Ramesh is Rs. 25 Crores (which is maximum in any financial year of the above period)

  • B = value of existing commitments & balance amount of ongoing works with the Tenderer Ramesh to be completed in next "N" years.  


Existing commitments & Balance amount of ongoing works


Rs. 5 Crores


Rs. 7 Crores


Rs. 3 Crores


Rs. 15 Crores

  • Therefore Contractor Ramesh's  B  = Rs. 15 Crores

  • Finally  A = Rs. 25 Crores,    N = 3 years    B = Rs. 15 Crores

  • Available Bid Capacity of Contractor Ramesh is (AxNx2) Minus 0.33 x N x B

  • = ( Rs.25 Crores x 3 years x 2) minus 0.33 x 3 x 15 Crores. 

  • Rs.150 Crores minus Rs.15 Crores = Rs. 135 Crores

  • Hence Contractor Ramesh is qualified to bid the works of value up to Rs. 135 Crores.

Key points for MCQ:

  1. Eligibility criteria  - 3 Types A. Technical eligibility criteria B. Financial eligibility criteria & C. Bid Capacity  


  1. Up to Rs. 50 Lakhs - Technical & Financial not required 


  1. Up to Rs. 20 Crores - Bid Capacity is not required  


  1. Bid Capacity formulae:  (A x N x 2) minus 0.33 x N x B 


  1. “A” stands for Payment received in any one Financial year (out of last 3 Financial years  or current year (up to the date of opening the tender)  


  1.  “N” stands for Number of years prescribed for completion of the Work 


  1. “B” stands for Existing commitments & Balance amount of ongoing works & works awarded, but yet to commence to be completed in the next N years 


  1. Technical eligibility - Last 7 years ending the last day of the previous month to the one in which the Tender is invited.  


  1. Technical eligibility:  3 works - 30% and above,   2 works  - 40% and above,   1 work - 60% and above 


  1. Subletting of work costing up to Rs. 50 Lakhs - Previous experience as Sub Contractor is not required.  


  1. Financial eligibility - Minimum average annual turnover of V / N or V whichever is less.  V stands for Advertised Value of the Tender and N stands for Number of years prescribed for completion of the work for which bids have been invited.