Click for Letter - Reforms in LDCE of all Depts
Click for reference 2019 Letter
Selections i.e., 70% & LDCE of all Departments
- a Major Reform
Salient features of Railway Board letter No. E(GP)2022/2/4 dated 28.06.2022
Conducted pan India wise i.e., for all Zonal Railways & Production Units
- Examination conducted by NAIR.
Whereas Medical Examination & Viva-voce is conducted by respective Railways / PUs
Only one stage i.e., MCQ (instead of two stages Prelims & Mains)
Single Paper - 150 Marks - MCQ
LDCE of particular Department for all Zonal Railways / PUs will be conducted
on a single day only.
CBT - Computer Based Test - MCQ pattern
175 Questions. Out of 175, 150 questions are to be attempted
Subject | Marks | Percentage |
Technical Subject | 80 Marks | 53 % |
Official Language & GK (may be Official Language 15 Marks & GK 25 Marks) | 40 Marks | 27 % |
Establishment & Financial Rules | 30 Marks | 20 % |
Total | 150 Marks | 100 % |
Qualifying Marks - 90 Marks (i.e., 60 %)
1 Mark for every correct answer
⅓ Mark deducted for every wrong answer
No change in Syllabus
Optional questions on Official Language Policy & Rules - as per Para 204.3 of IREM -
Indian Railways Establishment Manual Volume One.
Extract of Para 204.3 of IREM Volume One is as follows.
“Ten percent of the 100 marks prescribed for written examination held as part of
Selection should be set apart for questions on official language policy and
official language rules. While the employees should be encouraged to attempt
the questions on official language policy and official language rules. the questions
should not be compulsory.
(Authority : Ministry of Railways' letter No Hindi-2010/OL-1/10/4 dated 03.07.2019)”
Tentative schedule for current vacancy cycle incl: 2022 Year - LDCE
Stage | Date |
Advising dept wise & community wise vacancies of LDCE quotient of ongoing vacancy cycle by Zonal Railways/PUs to DG/NAIR | 11th July, 2022 |
All notifications may be issued, if not issued by | 15th July, 2022 |
Cut off date for submission of options | 31st July, 2022 |
Finalization of Eligibility list and its notification | 15th August, 2022 |
Pre selection training to be completed by | 31st August, 2022 |
CBT Examination on Single Day for all Departments | Mid September |
Finalization of the Panel (incl: Medical exam, Viva voce & Assessment of APAR) | Mid October |
Note: My inference is, that the above reforms are applicable to Accounts Department too. Why because:
- The first one is The letter dated 28.06.2022 clearly specifies all Departments.
- The second one is The letter dated 28.06.2022 addressed to GMs and kind attention to PFAs & Dy.CAO/Gs
- along with PCPOs & Dy.CPO/Gs
- The third one is The letter dated 19.03.2019 (reference letter) addressed to GMs and kind attention
- to PCPOs & Dy.CPO/Gs, not addressed to PFAs & Dy.CAO/Gs
- because it is not applicable to Accounts Department.