Designed to help the candidates appearing the Appendix 3, LDCE, 70% etc of Railway Accounts
Tuesday, July 21, 2020
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Shramik Kalyan
Indian Railway Shramik
Kalyan Portal
Glimpse of Website as on 28.04.2020 |
ü New initiative
ü An application has been developed & hosted on IR website managedby CRIS
ü Object: To comply the various labour laws as per GCC 2019 by
the Contractors in Indian Railways.
ü Contractors shall register his firm/company in the Website and upload the requisite details of Labour & their payments - within 15 days of LOA (Letter of Award/Acceptance)
ü Complied by Railway Engineer - within 7 days after receiving such notice from Contractor.
ü Mandatory requirement - for processing payments of On Account
Bills/final Bill/release of SD or PG.
ü Certificate by the Contactor, that he is uploading & updating the necessary details in the portal.
Monday, November 4, 2019
GCC - General Conditions of Contract for Services
- Railway Board releases New GCC - General Conditions of
Contract for exclusively to Service Contracts.
- Till the date, GCC for Works is applicable for such
Service Contracts. It is 106 pages document released in January,
2018. However due to typographical mistakes, the same was revised and uploaded on 20.03.2018.
- It helps to improve contract management, delivery of
services and to reduce Government litigation, since Railways have entered
more and more service contracts in non-operational areas such as cleaning,
facilities management, consultancy etc.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
GCC for Works - New clause - Bonus for early completion of work
Bonus for early completion of work
● New initiative to encourage the Contractors to complete works as early as possible by offering incentives in the form of Bonus.
● Contractor is entitled a Bonus for early completion of work i.e., before the prescribed date for completion.
● New clause in GCC for works - 17C of GCC - General Conditions of Contracts for Works
● Bonus - 1 % of Contract value for each 30 days early completion of work. ● Less than 30 days shall be ignored for working out the Bonus
● The completion date reckoned - the date of issuance of completion certificate by the Engineer.
● Maximum Bonus is 5 % of the original contract value.
● Conditions for availing Bonus by Contractors are :
1. Open Tenders having advertised value of more than Rs. 50 Crores
2. Original period of completion is 12 months or more
3. No reduction in original scope of work by more than 10 %
4. No extension granted on either Railway or Contractor’s account
● This clause is very good. Because it encourages the contractors for early completion of work for availing the Bonus to the extent of 5 % of Contract value. Also avoids the time overruns and cost overruns in Projects.
Suggestion is the Bonus shall be 0.25 % for every one week in lieu of 1 % for every 30 days period.
A work costing 60 Crores whose completion period is 18 months was awarded to the Contractor ABC Co, ltd on 01.10.2019. The completion date for this work is 31.03.2021. The scope of work is not reduced during the contract period. If the contractor completes the work on 15.12.2020, what is the eligible amount of Bonus entitled to the Contractor?
Saving period: 31.03.2021 Minus 15.12.2020 = 116 days.
Bonus is 1 % for every 30 days subject to maximum of 5 %
Bonus calculation = 3 % of 60 Crores = Rs. 180 Lakhs
Material for MCQ
Bonus is 1 % of Contract Value for each 30 days of early completion of work.
Maximum Bonus is 5 % of Contract Value
Original period of Completion is 12 months or more
Advertised value of Tender should be Rs.50 Crores and more
Eligible for Open Tenders only
No reduction in original scope of Work by more than 10 %
No extension granted either on Contractor’s account or on Railway’s Account
Less than 30 days is ignored for calculation of Bonus
New Clause in GCC for Works - 17C
Monday, March 18, 2019
EMD – Earnest Money Deposit (as per GCC for Works – Nov, 2018)
Value of the
EMD Amount (
Rounded to a nearest Rs.100)
Up to Rs.1 Crore
2 % of value of the work
Beyond Rs. 1 Crore
Rs. 2 lakhs + 0.5 % of the excess of
the estimated
cost of work beyond Rs.1 Crore
First one Crore
Rs.2,00,000 (Rs. Two Lakhs)
One Crore to Four Crore ( 3 Crores)
Rs.3 Crores x 0.5 % = Rs. 1,50,000
(Rs.1.5 Lakhs)
For Value of Rs.4 Crores
Rs.2 Lakhs plus Rs.1.5 Lakhs = Rs.3.5 Lakhs
First one Crore
Rs.2,00,000 (Rs. Two Lakhs)
One Crore to Two Hundred Crore ( 199
Rs.199 Crores x 0.5 % = Rs.99,50,000
For Value of Rs.200 Crores
Rs.2,00,000 plus Rs.99,50,000 = Rs.1,01,50,000. However maximum EMD is Rs.1 Crore. So EMD is
Rs.1,00,00,000/- ( Not Rs.1,01,50,000)