Railway Accounts Department Examinations

Showing posts with label GSU. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GSU. Show all posts

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Gati Shakti Unit & Gati Shakti Directorate

 GSU - Gati Shakti Units in Divisions

  • Authority: Railway Board Letter No.2021/W-1/Gen1./Gati Shakti dated: 27.07.2022.  Click for the Letter Railway Board Letter

  • GSU stands for Gati Shakti Unit


  • Policy Decision has been taken to establish GSUs in all 68 Divisions of Indian Railways


Organization structure of GSU at Division

  • Headed by CPM - Chief Project Manager.  CPM is under the administrative control of DRM - Divisional Railway Manager

  • CPM post - open to all cadres (except IRPFS - Indian Railways Protection Force Services)

  • If more than two ADRMs are available in the Division - the post of one ADRM will be re-designated as CPM.  If having two or one ADRM in the Division, make suitable adjustments in the cadre. 

  • Establishment expenditure of GSU's - charged to respective Projects. 

  • Officers of Civil Engineering, S&T, Electrical, Traffic & Finance will be posted at GSU

  • Associate Finance for GSU - Sr.DFM of the Division

  • DFM/ADFM along with SSO(A) & other staff - posted exclusively for GSU  - Will work under the functional control of Sr.DFM but under the administrative control of CPM/GSU

Surveys - GSU

  • RET/PET surveys - henceforth are called Feasibility Study

  • Undertaking Feasibility Study & Preparation of DPR - Detailed Project Report for the Projects   - by GSU's only.  Necessary changes in the Engineering Code are being processed separately. 

  • Expenditure to be charged to erstwhile Demand No.02 

  • Finance Concurrence  - Sr.DFM

  • Rates - are communicated by the Railway Board from time to time. 

  • Processed on IRPSM - Indian Railways Project Sanctions & Management 

  • Feasibility study report - examined by the NPG of the Division (NPG stands for Network Planning Group)

  • Dy.COM/Planning/Hqrs - co-opted in NPG

  • Approval of Feasibility Study- DRM

  • Approval for Preparation of DPR - GM

  • DPRs will be prepared by the GSU of the Division only

  • Approved DPRs (by GM) along with the Finance concurrence of GSU at Division (Finance concurrence at Hqrs will not be required) - will be submitted to the newly created Gati Shakti Directorate in the Railway Board. 

Technical, Administrative & Financial powers of GSUs of the Divisions

  • Analogous to the Officers of the Construction Organisation for the projects. 

  • DRM & CPM have powers of CAO/C & SAG officer in Construction for the execution of works of GSU. 

  • Proposals requiring the sanction of the Railway Board should be sent directly to the Gati Shakti Directorate with approval of GM and concurrence of associated finance at Division (Not Hqrs)

  • Existing Divisional units dealing with ESPs, SWRs, SIPs, and LOPs shall also assist the GSU. If further assistance is required, it may be arranged through outsourcing. 

  • Supervision and Execution of Works - Can use PSSA (Project Supervisors Services Agencies) and PMS as per the need of the Project

  • Also, hire retired Railway supervisors below the age of 65 years with the approval of DRMs - within the overall provisions in the estimates of the projects

  • Air travel outside the Zonal Railways - permitted for Offices & Supervisors - in connection with works  - With DRMs approval.  Concurrence is not required. 

  • Accommodation – In case of shortage, leased accommodation may be provided and house retention is also allowed at the previous place of posting up to one year or scholastic year whichever is earlier. 

  • GM nominates one HAG or SAG officer at Hqrs - as Zonal co-ordinator for GSUs in Divisions in that Zonal Railway

Gati Shakti Directorate


  1. To bring synergy and to improve efficiency of the system

  2. To create additional rail infrastructure

  3. Enhance railway market share in country’s cargo loading

  4. Reduce logistic cost

  • Headed by AM / PED (Gati Shakti)


  • Report to Member Infrastructure, Railway Board


  • All proposals emanating from Gati Shakti Directorate - Concurred by its own Associate Finance headed by ED/GS (Finance) - Executive Director/Gati Shakti

  • New Directorate was created by clubbing the following Plan Heads

  • 1100 - New Lines

  • 1400 - Gauge Conversion

  • 1500 - Doubling

  • 1600 - Traffic Facilities

  • 3300 - Signal & Telecommunication

  • 3500 - Electrification

  • 8100 - MTP - Metropolitan Transport Projects

Financial Powers

Cost of the Project

IPA - In Principal Approval

Appraised by

Approved by

Up to Rs.100 Crores

Member Finance

Member Finance

Chairman & CEO, Railway Board

Rs. 100 Crores to Rs.500 Crores

Member Finance


Minister of Railways (after examined and recommended by Board)

Rs. 500 Crores to Rs.1000 Crores

Member Finance

NITI Aayog, Expanded Board for Railways chaired by Chairman & CEO, Railway Board

Minister of Railways

Rs. 1000 Crores & above

Member Finance

NITI Aayog, EBR - Expanded Board for Railways chaired by Chairman & CEO, Railway Board

CCEA - Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs

  • Projects costing Rs. 50 Crores and above  - Preparation of DPR - Detailed Project Report is mandatory before they are processed for sanction of the competent authority. 

Key Takeaways for MCQ

  1. GSU stands for Gati Shakti Unit

  2. GSU in Division -  headed by CPM - Chief Project Manager

  3. CPM is under the administrative control of DRM

  4. CPM post is open for all cadres (except IRPFS)

  5. RET/PET surveys - henceforth are called Feasibility Study

  6. NPG stands for Network Planning Group

  7. Approval of Feasibility Study- DRM

  8. Approval for Preparation of DPR - GM

  9. DRM & CPM have powers of CAO/C & SAG officer in Construction for the execution of works of GSU

  10. Air travel outside the Zonal Railways - permitted for Offices & Supervisors - in connection with works  - With DRMs approval.  Concurrence is not required.

  11. Newly created Gati Shakti Directorate - Headed by AM / PED (Gati Shakti)

  12. IPA stands for In Principal Approval

  13. EBR stands for Extended Board for Railways

  14. CCEA stands for Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs

  15. Projects costing Rs. 50 Crores and above  - Preparation of DPR - Detailed Project Report is mandatory

  1. Gati Shakti Directorate was created by clubbing the following Plan Heads

  • 1100 - New Lines

  • 1400 - Gauge Conversion

  • 1500 - Doubling

  • 1600 - Traffic Facilities

  • 3300 - Signal & Telecommunication

  • 3500 - Electrification

  • 8100 - MTP - Metropolitan Transport Projects

— end —-