- Board(FC) has approved abolition of Allocation Head - OLWR - Open Line Works (Revenue).
- Existing work if any under OLWR, the same may be transferred to DRF or DF as the case may be.
- As Such there is no allotment of Grant under OLWR in Demand NO.16 from the year 2015-16 onwards.
- Necessary correction slip to the Accounts Code will be issued on receipt of approval from CGA - Controller General of Accounts and C&AG- Comptroller and Auditor General of India.
- Reason: Insignificant expenditure under OLWR in Annual Plan of Works Expenditure. For example in the year 2013-14 - Rs.28 Crores expenditure under OLWR against huge Budget under Demand No. 16 (approximately around 63,000 Crores)
Click here for the Railway Board letter on the above subject